Pio Support

The Student Support Team supports student retention and a healthy campus community at Carroll University by coordinating support services and appropriate interventions to assist students who are in distress or who have reportedly displayed troublesome or concerning behaviors. The Student Support Team serves as a central network focused on caring prevention and early intervention for students experiencing distress or engaging in harmful or disruptive behaviors. Members of the community including parents, faculty, staff and students can alert relevant campus authorities of their worry and concern for a student by emailing conduct@xsgw.net.

The Student Support Team aims to intervene with and assist these students in meeting their academic, personal, and professional goals at Carroll University. The reported behaviors might relate to the safety of the student and/or the security of the campus community; therefore, the Team may mobilize resources in order to prevent or minimize impact to the campus community.

The Student Support Team does not serve as a crisis response unit, nor does it replace faculty classroom management, and/or the Department of Public Safety’s response to an incident. Emergencies must be reported to the Department of Public Safety at 262.524.7300.


Tips for Recognizing a Troubled Student

Refer a Student

Members of the Carroll community may refer students of concern to the Team through numerous channels. Referrals may be made to any member of the team or via email to conduct@xsgw.net.

Responsibilities of the Student Support Team

  • Receive and gather information pertaining to students of concern
  • Develop specific strategies to manage and support students based on how they are presenting. i.e. in distress, troublesome or concerning behaviors
  • Make appropriate referrals to campus partners in order to support students and follow-up as necessary
  • Educate the Carroll community on identification of concerning behaviors and proactive options to assist students

Team Members

  • Vice President of Student Affairs, Dean of Students
  • Director of Student Conduct
  • Director of Public Safety
  • Director of Counseling
  • Director and Assistant Directors of Student Success
  • Director of Athletics
  • Chaplain
  • Nurse Practitioner and Student Health Center Coordinator
  • Director of Multicultural Diversity
  • Director of Student Activities
  • Director of Services for Students with Disabilities
  • Associate and Assistant Directors of Student Activities
  • Associate Director of Residence Life
  • Residence Life Area Directors
Panoramic View of campus